Sunday, February 4, 2007

First Post

My reason for the creation of this blog is still completely unknown to even myself. I have been encouraged one by a close friend who, like myself, has many musings on life, society and people. This will hopefully provide motivation to post my thoughts and intuitions about the world around me. As a young man beginning to shed the naivete that once predominated, I find the world to be a mysterious place and have many thoughts about where my place is.

The world is seemingly absurd. It is my belief that there is a rhyme and reason to the world underneath it all. I am drawn to wisdom of the ages and am deeply disturbed by the lack of appreciation for both history and knowledge in today's society. Modern sentiment is one of blind individualism where everyone blazes their own path without any regard for the pitfalls or pinnacles that have already been discovered by those before.

There is a human condition that I would like to define for myself. I look for clues to that condition through philosophy and religion, through poetry and literature, through contemporary news and ancient mythology and most importantly through my everyday relationships. Something ties all people together, let that be a divinity or common genetics and that allows us to connect and share in a common humanity.

I am afraid of those things I do not understand but even more than that, I am intrigued. I have a tremendous passion for the unknown and especially those things that human intellect cannot understand at all. Through my own exploration, I enjoy few things more than dialogue with others. Other's reflection on my thoughts, especially thoughtful dissenting ones, help my own pursuit. With that, I welcome any and all reflections you may have about my musings.